Bill Bremmers EBVT is already listed under the temperaments in Pianoscope in the Pro version (plus many others). I’ve used it a couple times and I just used the Hummel quasi-equal temperament yesterday for an antique piano with oval tuning pins from about 1830.
Just click: Instrument>Temperament
Search for Bremmer
The only difference between the one in Pianoscope and the 1997 version is the D#.
You could add this new version by hitting the + and adding a new temperament.
Bill Bremmer EBVT3 (2017)
A. 0
A#. 2.86
B. -.03
C. 3.80
C#. -1.29
D. 0.86
D#. 2.86
E. -.41
F 1.84
F# -.28
G 3.11
G# .67