It looks great.
I have a suggestion to improve the display.
if they use a variable display during pre-tuning, it is not possible to tell which mode I am in. Suggestion: use a different color for the tone name and pointer, for example blue.
change the color of the marker to inverse in the toolbar.
only when fine-tuning, simply cross out the pull-pretune mark
Bug: on a small device in the toolbar, the freeze function is not crossed out, but only the text information "Freeze" appears - maybe the same problem as above - iOS 15?
During the day I noticed that the shape of the arrow (fine and coarse tuning) changes, but I don't think the change is very noticeable. There are other differences, but very small, in the Variable scale display.
I would really like better fine and coarse tuning markings.
The changes described above work great.