Thanks for more explanation, Frank. Still in the process of analyzing each of the built-in styles and the respective interval weights. I'm really enjoying being able to try out tunings, then listen to intervals and their partials to see what the effect would be and see their beat rates. Very cool!
One thing I'd like to recommend, if I could, is some kind of "revert style to last used" button, so that I can play around with things and then undo them without messing up what I might have chosen to actually tune with last time. Does that make sense? Or, maybe an "Apply Tuning" button somewhere so that I don't accidentally change it, when I don't want to save it, just play around? I'm not sure which option would be better.
One final question(s), if I may. I've already brought up the "Maximum Pitch" before, as it applies to the note range with which an interval weight is applicable. That's great. I'm wondering if you could shed some light on how that note is/was chosen? Is it calculated with each piano? Is it hard-coded (for example, is the 3:1 twelfth interval max always G#4), since I noticed that all the built-in styles show identical max pitches for the respective interval? And it looks like the highest pitch of all the intervals is only C5, with the 2:1 octave. What kind of interval does pianoscope shoot for above this pitch?
Sorry, I know I said final question above, ha ha, but I have one more. In the tuning curve menu, there's an options to use "absolute weights", but it doesn't seem to do anything, or at least not that I have noticed. What's going on with that?
Thanks so much!