I have not yet pursued the Freeze tuning, since my aim is in a completely different direction. I have a young protégé whom I am preparing to induct into the world of aural tuning.
Ed Sutton's post on the Pianotech Forum captured my imagination
I understand the Freeze tuning to be a technique that allows for the very accurate visual tuning of unisons within a specific time window after the onset of attack, perhaps most helpfully applicable in the high treble.
The first time I got any real momentum in the field of piano tuning, I embarked on a path that made me over-reliant on visual feedback. I passed my RPT exam aurally, but that dimension of my skill set remains weaker than it ought to be. The thought of using a tuning app to tune the budding technician, rather than simply to tune the piano, is very appealing to me. Pianoscope is offering features that appear to support such an endeavor in a fresh and innovative way.